
[1] Hypothalamus (description/top): Hunger and self-preservation, sexual dimorphism, fear processing, aggressive behavior:

[2] Gerhard Roth, Aus Sicht des Gehirns (From the brain’s point of view), Das limbische System als Sitz des Unbewussten, Seite 145-146

[3] Thich Nhat Hanh, The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching, Page 32:

“The first nutriment is edible food. What we eat or drink with our hunger and thirst can bring about mental or physical suffering. We must be able to distinguish between what is healthful for our world and what is harmful.

The second kind of nutriment is sense impressions. Our six sense organs: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind – are in constant contact with sense objects, and these contacts become food for our consciousness. When we pick up a magazine, the articles and advertisements are food for our consciousness. Advertisements that stimulate our craving for possessions, sex, and food can be toxic.

The third kind of nutriments is volition, intention, or will – the desire in us to obtain whatever it is that we want. Volition is the ground of all our actions. If we think that the way for us to be happy is to become president of a large corporation, everything we do or say will be directed toward realizing that goal.

The fourth type of food is consciousness. Our consciousness is made up of all the seeds that have been sown by our own past thoughts and actions or the past thoughts and actions of our family and society. We can add positive power: love, empathy, joy, compassion and equanimity. But we can also feed our consciousness with negative nutrients – greed, hate, ignorance, distrust, envy, jealousy and pride.”

Deoxyribonucleic acid of our human family –

[4] Please don’t create aggression, hate, violence, weapons or war between your global family. Ultimately, it is possible to open Pandora’s Box, but the secret lies not inside, rather in the nature of understanding the mechanics. The competition for achievement and recognition causes us to reach for the box contents, clinging to the winner and creating a world of defeat through this triumph. In this unstoppable stream, the upper class opens itself up to a class struggle that competes for profit, power and growth.

The marketplace is the greatest and oldest innovation in the competition between cultures and is the center of law, currency and property in trade. The greatest achievements of writing and education first opened the doors of the library – In their architecture, calculation shines as knowledge that rises above the Enlightenment.

Next to Agora there are two temples: The First serves the authority, which names the religion through control. This temple bears the logos of forgiveness which merges with the invisible fiction in our historical story. The Second Temple of the Romans makes this fiction visible, through bread and games the strong winner defines himself as an image of God who concentrates his strength in the class struggle on the invisible loser.

– Agora (2009) Hypatia in Alexandria

It is not my intention to name the winner, we see the superior winner in advertising on posters next to products, which reinforces our desire to be his equal. It’s important to read the logos of our reality: to understand why we create between 8 billion of the same species: the loser who is revealed through the causality of superiority. In this competition, there are five categories besides gender to determine it:

1. The Nash Equilibrium explains our game, 2. The slave or ignorance the academic education, 3. The company boss the application or qualification, 4. Light speed crisis with the Wall Street and 5. The military atomic bomb: Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

This processes to win has a side effect that characterizes our species as a maximum security prison to block out the loser. In the hateful racism game of the National Socialists, the Holocaust illustrates the most brutal example of how to defeat one’s heart and let it starve as a gladiator in the Roman Colosseum:

Gentrification and ghetto formation as the first prison for the loser. Deportation in trains of imprisonment and inhumanity to the third prison of the extermination camps. In this final solution, the crematorium contains the fourth prison of the gas chamber. Finally, the Germanic master race winner lets the loser disappear in a mass grave and, in his depravity, closes off morality in order to understand why he is losing this cruel game.

– Easter Island Moto Nui: birdman competition –

Without writing, the Rapa Nui created in 500 years a culture that had forgotten its origins; in a competition they created the strongest birdman to calm down the family. The end on Easter Island was a total war that mercilessly devoured his own children.

[5] Mammary glands produce and secrete milk and are found in developed and undeveloped forms in females and males respectively. or e.g. quick info:

[6] Understanding fear, Four basic forms of fear, Grundformen der Angst nach F. Riemann:

[7] Human migrations and the earliest migrations of archaic and modern humans across continents: What did Homo sapiens eat 170,000 years ago?

[8] Gender Differences of Animals: influence of testosterone:

Number of prisoners by gender 2022 in the USA: 7,9 percent woman and 92,1 percent man:

World Prison Population List 2021 10,030,000 million men: worldwide 93,1 percent:– World Female Imprisonment List 2022 740,000 women and girls: worldwide 6,9 percent:

[9] Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. On 6 and 9 August 1945, the United States detonated two atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively:

[10] World War II casualties:

[11] Feelings: With the description of the five aggregates in Buddhism teaching it’s possible to understand our creation for feelings. The first aggregate is our body/organism connected to our senses (eyes, ears, mouth, nose and body). The second aggregate is our consciousness. The third aggregate is the contact with the senses to reality to create our lifetime/existence. The fourth aggregate are the 51 mental formations (they are since 3 billion years in progress and connected as prime instincts in our brain. They can be activated with an impulse of information e.g. for competition, commercial or propaganda. They most dangerous are ignorance, hate and greed. The positive formations are love, compassion and empathy). The last aggregate is the creation of this complete progress and produce in us feelings and emotions (the strongest are for our family in memories).

[12] One man’s rejoicing is another man’s failure: The best example I know can be found in the book, Alienated from Life, Mirror Images of Violence: Right-Wing Radicals and Us, page 141 by Arno Gruen: “Jules Henry describes (Culture against Men, 1963) as part of his research on the American school system how we are made to ignore each other’s pain. I describe his example in full because it clearly represents what we all experienced in our schooltime. Even as children, we are conditioned to not notice the pain of others.

The competition at school for attention and recognition of one’s own performance by teachers leads to a completely paradoxical learning effect, namely that of perceiving other children as rivals and hating them. A paradox, because the same cultural system prohibits hatred between children. So they learn to either not notice the hate at all, or to pretend that they don’t hate. This is how the culture degenerates into complete hypocrisy.

Frans de Waal  (Moral behavior in animals)\MP4\Download

Now for an example from Jules Henry: Boris had difficulty finding the greatest common factor of 12/16 at school and he couldn’t get any further than 2 and the fraction 6/8. The teacher calmly asked if he could shorten the fraction further. She suggested that he think some more. Many other children’s hands were already shooting up. They were all eager to correct him. Boris felt pretty miserable, he probably blacked out.

The teacher continued to remain calm and patient, ignoring the others. She concentrated entirely on Boris with her face and voice: “Is there a number greater than 2 by which you can divide the two parts of the fraction?” After a short while she pressed him a little more, but there was still no answer from Boris. Finally she turned to the class and asked, “Well, who can tell Boris what number it is?” Peggy was called and promptly replied that she matched the number 4 as the divisor of the numerator and denominator.

Boris’s failure made it possible for Peggy to be successful; his depression was the price for her joy, his misery the reason for her delight. Success is achieved in this way through someone else’s failure. For an Indian from the Zuni, Hopi or Dakota tribe in the USA, Peggy’s behavior would be a terrible cruelty, because competition and achieving success through the failure of a fellow human being is a form of torture that is alien to them.”

[13] Evolution seeks for a way to transform the elements. In this result of nature we find the stability of plants (plants need a constant position for the sensitive transformation), which provide our species with the most important resource in sense co-existence. From this energy our species develops the ability to change position – this determines and support the stability of education with memories that accompany our lifetime.

[14] The building blocks and shape of DNA molecules in plants, insects, humans and every living thing is the same – we all have the famous base pairs: A, C, G, and T’s. It’s the order of these letters that makes us different.

[15] The ancient fear formation means to be created in the consciousness of life – this means to hunt or to be hunted: food. To play in the game theory a hunter, makes maybe more pleasure as the self-perception to run in fear away. The further development of fear is to understand the capacity of predator mathematics. It’s direct today morality: our knowledge to understand the difference between good (pleasure) and evil (unpleasure) conditioning structures for our behavior.

Finally it’s possible for me to understand: Evolution transform into species (it’s complete working on earth in the progress of balance). Only homo sapiens and ants acting with war between states as an exception with competition for territory. Native and egalitarian families represent in this view peace and freedom. So, nature transform into families (homo sapiens change as a DNA family into families).

If our evolutionary family create with the market place stability, our global family produce property. Property create prison for security (the progress of control and authority our global upper class family create law for punishment or next to this: aggressive military hierarchy. Please read the book if you like: Zimbardo, The Lucifer Effect, Standford Prison Experiment, 2007). At least: Competition create war between families. The profit progress for this is: game theory, education, company, market and military. Predator are weapons to calculate and regulate the nature of weaker or ignorant population (The side effect call today: “property” and military).

My person find in evolution the theory: The Ideology of the Elements. Many thanks to our global peaceful education in Buddhism, psychology, science, math, medicine and literature. For the Buddhism Mahayana teachings, please prove only my last words:

Evolution transform into species. (Nature transform into families. Desire is self perception of sexuality, to create a family, or to be born as a child in her). Finally Homo erectus morph: Ignorance need prey for stability, education provoke Homo sapiens into prey. The market is a system of balance, if this economy not change into profit for weapons and war. Property create prison for security. Competition create war between families.

My person bear the full responsibility for the column

24. February 2025⋅ སེམས གཟིགས