Crimes Against Peace
(PART 2) It is difficult to relate the term Nazi to nature; the theory of evolution in particular contains many insights which are disproportionate in a racial ideology without creativity or mind. Richard Dawkins, an evolutionary biologist, writes that besides humans, only ant colonies breed soldiers and wage war. [1] As herbivores and carnivores, chimpanzees or bonobos occasionally tend to aggression and rampages due to their group behavior, however, these animals do not market uranium bullets with which to destroy each other. Gorillas also tend to show more peaceful social behavior in comparison to our worldly prisons, slavery, torture, genocide or racial discrimination. The territory plays a major role of course: nature can provide the necessary prerequisite resources for the territory of a species, and if are these available there is a balance of life.

Nothing is more precious to life than life. In the 16th century, a man named Giordano Bruno was indicted by the Inquisition for magic and heresy, and was burned at the stake; his final words are legend: “There is infinity in space”. In the meantime, enlight-ened mankind is very familiar with astrophysics, countless books fill shelves, nobody needs to be really enlightened for a theory anymore. In his last book Brief Answers to the Big Questions, the brilliant physicist Stephen Hawking describes his theory of our future. In it the reader encounters an exhausted and threatened earth. These genuine threats are very numerous and formidable, they include global warming, acidic oceans and ruined forests, the need to find space and resources for the massively growing earth population, and our reckless behavior in the extermination of other species. His main concerns revolve around the need to develop renewable energy sources and the likely spread of epidemics.
Hawking criticizes the global capitalist system, and many of his examples show how precious and unique the earth is: “We all cause global warming. We want cars, travel, a higher standard of living. The problem is simply that when people finally realize what they are doing, it’s most likely too late. We are on the threshold of a second nuclear age and a period of unprecedented climate change.” [2]
In terms of the limitless space of eternity in the universe, our territory becomes a prison, and this will be our undoing on this beautiful little planet. Not just the rent for an apartment in standardized square meters or our house in the country of its national spatial limits testify to this narrow-minded view, rather what we do to each other as humans in order to own this precious living space for selfish reasons.
– Easter Island moai statues under starry night sky –
There is a good documentary on Geschehen, neu gesehen. (“Events, viewed anew”, about denazification). [3] This is a story of failure, about the post-war period. The history report makes it particularly clear the extent to which the destruction was caused by the Nazi crimes. The documentary shows many problem areas, noteworthy is the unpleasant Braunbuch (Brown Book, War and Nazi Criminals in West Germany, 1965) by Albert Norden, in which the National Socialist perpetrators are denounced.
During my research I noticed that after the war against Nazi Germany, the Allies wanted to convert the whole country into an agrarian state with the Morgenthau Plan. The remaining National Socialists in the bureaucratic institutions must have offered fierce resistance. In the history of civilized mankind there has never been another nation who waged a more cruel war than the Germans. Estimates from September 1, 1939 to September 2, 1945 report between 70 and 85 million people killed as a result of the German policy of extermination during the Second World War, and six million people died as a result of the Nazi genocide in Poland alone.
– Grafeneck Euthanasia Centre –
In the civil trials, only very few NSDAP supporters were brought to justice for this cold-blooded mass murder; a few heads were brought to justice and charged. Adolf Eichmann, as the bureaucratic head, organized the persecution, expulsion and deportation of an estimated six million Jewish people and was jointly responsible for their murder. The philosopher Hannah Arendt does not sketch a monster during his trial in Jerusalem; her reporting depicts an absolutely ordinary man, caught in a servile pose of totalitarian power. Without this power, such people would be completely characterless and inconspicuous. [4]
Homo sapiens don a theatrical uniform to clothe power with even more meaning. It actually works, the authority figure must be ‘accepted’ by submissive people; no imperative is attached to the hierarchy without consent to this form of domination. This development can already be seen in the oldest cave paintings, in the depictions of shamans, priests and mythical creatures. World-view religion in its garb of extravagance is a continuation of supernatural hypotheses; the impeccable appearance was perfected only by the command and obedience of militarism. For soldiers, this process is particularly severe, as they not only have to wear the uniform of power, but also represent it with their nationality. [5]
– Dürer ⋅ The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse ⋅ 1498 –
The black military uniform became a diabolical trend among the Nazis. The trendy fashion in a riding uniform from Hugo Boss with its numerous accessories: Zyklon B poison gas skull, the symbolism of the coveted swastika (the Hakenkreuz), copied runes with the occult narcissism of 9th century BC Greece [6] and the animal-hostile submissive riding whip. These symbols found their excessive consummation and adulation in the most brutal mass murder in human history. The captivating riding uniform has its origins in England, and has been the fashion for the man of the world since around 1750. Even the collective Nazi salute was a plagiarism of the poisonous snake by the Romans. The approximately 10,000 year old swastika represents a symbol of luck in many cultures. Unfortunately its meaning was distorted by the unimaginative fascists and disfigured for all eternity.
In another imitation of Roman antiquity, the vision of the capital Germania was invoked, so that defeated or inferior rulers would be intimidated by megalomania and godlike gigantomania. Blue-eyed Aryans and Herrenmenschen wanted to breed the Nazis with SS men, as can be seen in the approximately 2300 year old publication The Republic by Plato. His futuristic selection of guardians spills over into birthing machines of a cloned upper class. [7] The hordes of brownshirts found the grail of eternal life in the instructions of the philosopher Plato. Intoxicated by Friedrich Nietzsche and a mythological rune language, determined Übermenschen arose from the light of his dawn and interpreted The Republic as a bureaucratic guide to eugenics.
„From Zarathustra’s point of view, all people were equal before God. With the death of God, however, only before ‘the rabble’ are all men equal. Therefore, the death of God is an opportunity for the Übermensch.” [8]
From the words of the philosopher Nietzsche, the scientific ruthlessness of evolution becomes recognizable. Charles Darwin proclaimed it to the elites as natural selection in his writing, and it is confirmed by the theory of evolution due to the “common descent of all living beings”. Far from any theory or human dignity, the Nazis declared freedom of expression a crime and writings and books that were forbidden by censorship burned on luminous pyres. As previously mentioned, the hateful National Socialists murdered countless people and had neither heart, conscience, creativity nor standards.

⋅ ⋅ Totalitarianism
The lengthy development process of power-oriented clothing can also be found in science. The doctor’s coat with the stethoscope produces the desired, trustworthy result. Stanley Milgram describes in detail his gruesome electro-shock experiments the areas in which the academic or uniformed authority figure reaches its highest level of influence. Unfortunately, Milgram cannot find a heartwarming explanation for the ruthless behavior of our species; he leaves the floor to the philosopher and sociologist Theodor Adorno, whose impressive statements about the authoritarian character are very informative and along with the writings of the psychologist Arno Gruen form a good basis. Incidentally, exclusive trends are preferably established by wealthy elites.
The results are not always refreshing. To the connoisseur they appear within the nebulous light of aristocratic sun kings. Hand on heart: never trust a tie! Particular relevance is also given to body size. Above 180 cm, [9] an above-average number of well-heeled managers can be found at the executive level; the prehistoric development of the dominant body size casts a long shadow on the pose of its transience.
– Genocide Memorial in Windhoek (2016) –
This pose is of course also shown in antique tunics made of purple snails. The color of one coat alone had to be obtained from 12,000 purple snails, and was only intended for the nobility and their rulers. The impulse for recognition and copulation finds its source not only in the plumage of evolution. The military hierarchy is focused on values of strength, determination, insensitivity and heroism. [10]
People without space
Wikipedia reveals valuable facts related to the original topic of Volk ohne Raum and their postures of power. From my point of view, this creates a reference to the territorial, aggressive and warlike behavior of humanity:
„At 1936, Reichsbauernführer Walther Darré outlined the plans for conquest in very concrete terms in front of regional employees of the state nutritional union: ‘The natural settlement area is the area east of our imperial border from the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. In this space we will settle and own the clod of an incompetent people.”
The plan was to exterminate the intelligentsia in the conquered areas and enslave the remaining population. The justification for this goal was on religious, eugenics, justification for imperialism, racist grounds, social Darwinist and other forms of discrimination. The head of the DAF, Robert Ley, said on October 17, 1939:
„The healthy stag kicks the sick, and the healthy elephant tramples the sick. But we have received sick people out of pity for 2000 years, the inferior are nurtured and cared for, and in their favor the higher cannot be developed. From these thoughts, these ideas, comes our mission comes. That is why we ask for land.“ [11]
– 2001: A Space Odyssey ⋅ The Dawn of Man –
In an excerpt from the book Ordinary Men (the disturbing tale tells of how a group of men went from ordinary to brutal, hardened killers during the Holocaust) by Christopher Browning the same context can be seen: A series of special pamphlets: „All weak and inferior are destroyed” and “only the strong and powerful continue to propagate.” The fate of peoples who did not expand their numbers or preserve their racial purity could be seen in the examples of Sparta and Rome. [12]
„Bergen-Belsen was a Nazi concentration camp in what is today Lower Saxony in northern Germany, southwest of the town of Bergen near Celle. From 1941 to 1945, almost 20,000 Soviet prisoners of war and a further 50,000 inmates died there. Overcrowding, lack of food and poor sanitary conditions caused outbreaks of typhus, tuberculosis, typhoid fever and dysentery, leading to the deaths of more than 35,000 people in the first few months of 1945, shortly before and after the liberation.
– Bergen-Belsen concentration camp/Mass Grave 3 –
Initially this was an “exchange camp”, where Jewish hostages were held with the intention of exchanging them for German prisoners of war held overseas. The camp was later expanded to hold Jews from other concentration camps. The camp was liberated on April 15, 1945. The soldiers discovered approximately 60,000 prisoners inside, most of them half-starved and seriously ill, and another 13,000 corpses lying around the camp unburied. A memorial with an exhibition hall currently stands at the site.” [13]
Egalitarian society
In my opinion, many Native egalitarian peoples on planet Earth demonstrate the peaceful admirable behavior of our species. The Inuit, an indigenous ethnic group, can attest to a very difficult living situation, having found their way over the Bering Strait to migrate to Alaska about 5000 years ago. As the European Inuit of Turtle Island, the indigenous people were fought by their own kind around 1492, the historical record reveals a foundation of medieval slavery and hostile violence in the aggressive colonization of America. This statement is confirmed by current DNA analyses of the ancestry of the Inuit.
Fortunately, dream-traveling Aboriginal people had been behaving peacefully for 50,000 years; these clans of hunter-gatherers were only upset by the legendary Captain Cook, and then 162,000 prisoners from England with convicts in Australia, were deported and detained in Australian prisons on 806 ships. The deportation of these people was part of a campaign to “cleanse” Britain of “lesser” people and at the same time to provide cheap labour for the new colony. The egalitarian San people live in southern Africa, it would be depressing and extremely frustrating to have to explain to these good people why Nazi Germany planned extensively to destroy the global cultural community. The Mangyan human family on a group of islands in the Philippines have already distanced themselves as an indigenous people from their fellow Homo Sapiens and have moved to safety.
– Jupiter (Pioneer plaque) Nasa\Juno –
The misanthropic Nisko or Madagascar Plan of the National Socialists would outweigh the scope of my kind-hearted interpretation. Finally, a small excerpt from the book The Republic. The philosopher Plato (c. 428 B.C.) makes his doll Socrates dance [14] and specifies his attitude towards the restricted living space ⋅ སེམས གཟིགས
“Socrates: And the territory, I presume, that was then sufficient to feed the then population, from being adequate will become too small. Is that so or not?” “It is.” “Then we shall have to cut out a cantle of our neighbor’s land if we are to have enough for pasture and ploughing, and they in turn of ours if they too abandon themselves to the unlimited acquisition of wealth, disregarding the limit set by our necessary wants.” “Inevitably, Socrates.” “We shall go to war as the next step, Glaucon—or what will happen?” “What you say,” he said. “And we are not yet to speak,” said I, “of any evil or good effect of war, but only to affirm that we have further discovered the origin of war, namely, from those things from which the greatest disasters, public and private, come to states when they come.” “Certainly.” “Then, my friend, we must still further enlarge our city by no small increment, but by a whole army, that will march forth and fight it out with assailants in defence of all our wealth and the luxuries we have just described.” [15]
To human dignity ⋅ མྱ་ངན་ལས་འདས་པ།
»I am committed to respecting and protecting the inalienable human dignity of the human person, namely with regard to the current questions and discussions regarding euthanasia, bioethics, cloning or healing and improving biotechnologies.
Based on the conviction that the use of force against a single person constitutes an offense against all of humanity, it is important to me to protect the personal rights of each individual. I am committed to the liberation of the oppressed and of all those who still suffer from the million humiliating forms of modern slavery.
– KZ Buchenwald Warm Memorial ⋅ 50 Nations ⋅ 37 °C –
Albanians Algerians Americans Andorrans Argentinians Austrians Belgians Bosnians Brazilians British Bulgarians Canadians Chinese Croats Czechs Danes Egyptians Estonians Finns French German Greeks Hungarians Indians Indonesians Iranians Italians Jews Latvians Lithuanians Luxembourgers Montenegrins Moroccans Netherlanders Norwegians Poles Portuguese Roma Romanians Russians Serbs Sinti Slovaks Slovenes Spaniards Stateless Swedes Swiss Turks Ukrainians Yugoslavs
In the name of the silent majority, I fight against the mercantile dogma of an anonymous and soulless globalization. I refuse to endorse their strategies of dematerialization and financial speculation which undermine the conscience of the main economic actors and key politicians and deprive individuals of their responsibility.
I refrain from any violent act against any person, regardless of skin color, age or gender, physical or mental condition, religion, political conviction, nationality or social position. Nobody may be instrumentalized by the logic of the state or the market and thus robbed of their human dignity.«
Dalai Lama, Nouvelle Réalité, Eleven Life Commitments, 2016
Stril-Rever, Rinpoche, Thurman and Itzkin
(15. September 2015, Oxford)